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To Claim the Law

First, Return to Law

True law is unchangeable. Success requires one to know and act according to law in all areas of life… nature, society, law/LEGAL, health (body, mind, spirit)

'LEGAL' systems versus the 'law' affect every aspect of your daily life - law vs LEGAL - natural vs artificial, rights vs PRIVILEGES - freedom vs TITLES/SUBJECT/SURETY  

Note/NOTE: Standardized Style Guide for this Website and Associated Materials

All references to 'law' are lower case.

All references to 'LEGAL' are ALL UPPER CASE

1. These are literally two different worlds with their own language. It is of great importance to clearly see, on paper, which world is being referenced when dealing with a LEGAL or law matter.


2. When you see ALL CAPS style, this indicates you are in the LEGAL world full of LEGAL FICTIONS that are being addressed where only PRIVILEGES, REAL PROPERTY and LEGAL PERSONS are DEEMED and PRESUMED and OPINIONS, REPRESENTATIONSand what TRUTH rule the day in dealing with OFFENCES and INJURY.


3. Use of lower case style is referencing the real world of 'law' where mankind (man/woman), rights and property exist with facts, what is true, first hand witness and wrongdoing creating harm exist.

Your True Freedom Depends on You Following Law.

Law based in real, fact, true... not fiction ideas.

There are laws of life, nature, relationships, society, law/LEGAL. Discover the real laws and act accordingly, or face consequences.

One must know the huge distinction between law and the LEGAL fiction system/world.


by John Doe

Learn the magic of the words and symbols that en-trance mankind into servitude

coming soon


by John Doe

Who/what you are, at law, and in Legal, and which capacities you hold/act in

coming soon


by John Doe

The right knowledge, actually applied, the right way, with confidence and success

coming soon

Efficient - Be organized or be tyrannized

get organized or get taken over

The most efficient way to succeed is ensure enthusiastic participation by mutually benefiting people.

We offer information from people who have real world experience and results, not theories.

coming soon

Effective - Education or indoctrination?

censorship keeps people ignorant

The most effective way to reclaim or maintain success is to ensure the adherence to moral and law principles that require to be strengthened over time through correction of wrongdoers.

We focus on the people, info and processes that have achieved real world results correcting wrongdoers.

coming soon

Everywhere - Rules for thee and not me

permission is who’s to give?

For success to last and grow the focus must be on the continued expansion everywhere of the moral and law principles of personal and public right living that give equal opportunity to live in health, peace and prosperity.

Success breeds success when the foundational principles are know and respected by correct application.

coming soon

Correct Knowledge with Correct Application = Success 

Knowledge, knowing, comprehension, understanding is a powerful first step but is meaningless if there is no correct application.

The correct knowledge and correct application is the goal while uncovering the deceit and manipulations, that falsely bind mankind, under the guise of “you voluntarily agreed”.

Discover the deceit, learn the true power, authority and honour to reclaim the law and your proper place as master over public servants.

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  • Take your own time to go through our courses. It doesn't matter if it takes you a day or a month, you can go as fast or as paced as you need.

  • Learn from the best

  • All our instructors have tested, and implemented everything they teach you in here, so that you're confident that everything you learn are proven tactics.

  • Community of like minded, open minded people

  • When you join our membership, you'll get access to a private community where you'll be able to connect with fellow copywriters, get more gigs, and increase your learning.

  • Content available 24/7

  • It doesn't matter where you are, or what day is it. You'll always have access to our content. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.

    Most popular courses

    Get started with the favorite courses of our students.

    word magic

    Language Word Magic

    by jd

    The world of lawful, honourable life has been hidden from you by clever use of language (called “words of art”) and symbols that most people do not comprehend because of a lack of disclosure, gradual dumbing down education systems and moral social decay. This effectively casts a spell of wrong ideas and beliefs.

    Discover how deeply and harmfully mankind has been manipulated and deceived into a world of LEGAL, movable, malleable, grey-areas-ripe-for-manipulation dictates.

    Reclaim your language, symbols and morals, to come in alignment with law, higher law.

    coming soon

    Common Law Courts Exist

    by jd

    At law your status, capacities and rights are powerful. In the LEGAL world only titles, with diminished status, waived rights and ever changing privileges exist. Reclaim your lawful status or forever wonder how your public servants became your masters.

    Much debate about common law and does it exist, how it might work, why we can't seem to access it.

    Study the principles and review an actual court case from beginning to end that is an example of an actual common law court pre-trial and trial that unfolded.

    coming soon

    The Basics

    by jd

    Learn how the law REALLY works in relation to who you are. It will be impossible to win any game, or in life, when you don't know the principles and the rules.

    Laws of health, wealth, relationships and the law/LEGAL processes are principles that are unchanging and not subject the whims of twisted, egoic mankind.

    Build from a new, strong, correct foundational knowledge and expect to have resistance as you unlearn so much of what you thought you knew.

    coming soon
    COURSES will be revealed soon

    ReclaimTheLaw.com © 2022-24

    All Rights Reserved

    Location [Address]: Turtle Island

    This site is not intended to give financial, legal or medical advice of any kind at any time. This site is intended for private use by man and woman in their full capacity private status, in the private.

    This site and it's contents are expressly not intended for access by the PUBLIC or GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS/AGENTS/CORPORATE AGENCIES in official capacity. Any PUBLIC agent accessing or using contents is knowingly engaged in trespass.

    Applicable law, first law of the land, natural law for/with/by man and woman, living in the private state.

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