Earlier ‘Freedom Movements’ Have Lessons to Be Learned

Earlier ‘Freedom Movements’ Have Lessons to Be Learned

In 1998 there was a large number of people awakened in CANADA to the tax system and how it operated and who it was actually applicable. There were websites teaching and live group meetings with up to 500 people in hotel meeting rooms.

Taxation was one topic that was key to tapping into the underlying freedoms that had been eroded through time and acquiescence. The tax system a mere symptom of a much great disease leading to slow, creeping LEGAL tyranny.

In THEIR (the system) eyes it’s not forced, nor tyranny if they can trick, deceive, threaten to get you to volunteer. Your consent is key, however THEY get it.

There was a lot of investigation, research and theories by everyday people who knew something was wrong but had no idea why. Thousands of people across Canada got educated in the law generally, tax systems, constitutions etc.

These meetings were investigated by government agents, counter stories developed and when enough people had acted on the teaching, charges and prosecutions began. Hundreds of people were charged, dozens and dozens prosecuted and almost all convicted of “failing to comply with a notice to files taxes”. An interesting charge where the “did you comply with the notice” was the only issue allowed to be argued/defended because THEY had lost too many arguments on, and did not want further challenges to, “who is subject income tax and GST” and “how specifically is a person subject income tax and GST”.

People learned how the system operates, how it investigates, how it prosecutes and how the courts work. Sadly, very few people during that time remain active, which risks losing all the valuable lessons learned. Don’t waste their hard won knowledge.

Now, with the ‘plandemic’ triggering, a heightened, new nationwide interest in rights and law, in how things work in LEGAL/law and the difference between right and wrong in LEGAL/law.

The LEGAL system is not what people think it is. Anyone who has first hand experience with the LEGAL system learns very quickly it really is an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ experience.

Anyone starting down this path is well served to learn from the past and not repeat the same mistakes and massive learning curve already done. A number of people have real world experience and insights to share.

Some of these earlier freedom groups existed from about 1998 to 2009. Prosecutions occurred in two main waves approximately 1998-2003 for “failing to comply with a notice to file taxes” commonly referred to “filing to file”.

The second wave prosecutions, 2006-2015, were largely for alleged “tax evasion” and in some specific cases “counselling to commit fraud over $5,000” for those people who were involved in teaching the law and freedom principles which included information on how the income tax and GST systems operate. These people were demonized in the courts, media and online and accused of undermining the trust in government. Sound familiar?

In all cases the government bobbed, weaved and denied key issues with the active participation of the prosecutors and judges. In some case they appeared to make up rules as they went along. The game of court was seriously underway and real lessons were learned the hard way by everyday people who were standing up.

There were a few successes but most failed to resist the charges due to unfamiliarity with basic law principles in court process, court process itself, emotional, financial, time and family stresses. Any court action is not for the faint of heart and requires serious commitment if you are going to play the LEGAL world game of defend and argue. There are other ways.

The LEGAL game is created, operated and can be fixed for specific political outcomes that are not to your benefit or true freedoms for people. This is key to grasp, accept, believe and deeply understand. The LEGAL system is largely created and operated by the private, self-regulated, BAR ASSOCIATION but the courts also have a second side operating in the same court rooms with the same judges. That second side is where one can find the law that protects versus the LEGAL that seeks to control and dominate. It all depends on who comes to court with what law and in what status.

This website will be releasing more information about this and related topics. Stay tuned, this will be part of their story, their search, and yours, to reclaim the law for you first and then all others who seek it.

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The content of this website is provided for educational purposes, omissions and errors excepted, and is not legal/lawful advice.