License=Permission.  Do you really NEED permission? Why?

License=Permission.  Do you really NEED permission? Why?

In SOCIETY the law touches everything (LEGAL SYSTEM to be precise) therefore you need to comprehend how exactly the LEGAL SYSTEM touches whatever it is you do, or want to do. Nothing happens in the SOCIETY without LAWYERS planning, consulting, drafting, arguing every aspect of a situation because every situation has LEGAL consequences, real or imagined.

(note: any use of ALL CAPS symbolizes a LEGAL FICTION which is a LEGAL idea/concept that is created by and only exists in the LEGAL world of LEGAL fictions/concepts/assumptions/presumptions.)

GOVERNMENTS via the LEGAL SYSTEM LAWYERS write, pass and enforce LEGAL processes allegedly under the express consent of the PEOPLE (the VOTE) and under the guise/claim of exercising GOVERNMENT’S alleged powers to protect the PUBLIC and control COMMERCE.

Do you know there is a big difference between LEGAL and law?

Simply stated law is love one another, do no harm nor threat of harm to another or their property. Logically, if everyone followed the law internally, on their own, there would be no need for LEGAL.

In contrast, LEGAL is ACTS, STATUTES, REGULATIONS, BY-LAWS, POLICIES, MANDATES, ORDERS published by any level of GOVERNMENT because the PUBLIC is DEEMED to not know nor uphold the law therefore THEY need external controls.

LEGAL is external threats of punishment by millions of RULES.

The law is the internal inspiration to act the right way, no need for external controls.

Do you know the difference between private trade and LEGAL COMMERCE (PUBLIC)?

What if you want to remain private and do not consent to the LEGAL PRESUMPTION that all your activities being SUBJECT to GOVERNMENT’S LEGAL rules designed for protecting the PUBLIC and only for those engaging in COMMERCE?

Do you know that the wo/man voluntarily consents to be GOVERNED by LEGAL rules when they hold an OFFICE or TITLE (ie. DRIVER, TAXPAYER, DOCTOR, LAWYER, JUDGE, MR., MRS., PARENT, anything other than man/woman is a TITLE in the PUBLIC etc.). Whereas a (private) wo/man is self governed under law until that (private) wo/man waives their right to be self governed by accepting a TITLE, or harms, or threatens harm, to property, of another wo/man?

What if you do not want to be considered/treated/DEEMED as a TITLE or the PUBLIC needing protection from GOVERNMENT because you know you are a fully knowledgeable, fully responsible, fully liable wo/man and act as such?

Do you know that when you make APPLICATION, or REGISTER, for anything with a GOVERNMENT or CORPORATE entity you waive your unlimited, natural rights as a wo/man in return for limited BENEFITS, PRIVILEGES and LICENSE that GRANT you less than what you already naturally have without that APPLICATION/REGISTRATION.

There is no lawful requirement for, or upon, wo/man for a LICENSE of any kind, but there is a requirement for a LEGAL PERSON (OFFICER, TITLE) which is SUBJECT a GOVERNMENT/CORPORATION.

What purpose does a LICENSE serve and how has the idea become so accepted as “required or else” with the expectation of almost certain harassment by GOVERNMENT and it’s AGENTS?

Ignorance of the law, ignorance of the LEGAL SYSTEM and the fear of attack by REGULATORY AGENCIES, POLICE, PUBLIC PROSECUTION SERVICES, BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT etc. makes many people comply through intimidation. Programming makes others comply. The “everyone does”, “you have to”, “i want to do it the right way”, “it’s illegal not to” etc. etc. accepting of their voluntary SERVITUDE and abdication of their full lawful status.

A LEGAL SYSTEM, as it exists today, and LICENSES, are not required if people are honorable, knowledgeable, fully responsible and fully liable for their actions (meaning they are of full capacity). If there are no wo/man exhibiting these qualities (full capacity) then they are seen by the LEGAL SYSTEM ACTORS to be of diminished capacity and therefore LEGAL controls and ENFORCEMENT are required to protect the PUBLIC, which empowers GOVERNMENTS to make and ENFORCE many LEGAL controls over those members of the PUBLIC who are diminished capacity (almost everyone).

Why? Because wo/man of diminished capacity are DEEMED more likely to do harm therefore THEY require LEGAL controls/ENFORCEMENT and need to be monitored. THEY don’t know the law and have being conditioned to act in an irresponsible and non-liable manner daily.

If you are DEEMED to be LEGALLY of diminished capacity you are also DEEMED to need controls, you need a LICENSE, you need a GOVERNMENT AGENCY to set your rules and ENFORCEMENT of those rules to prevent you causing harm. Being of diminished capacity DEEMS you a potential threat that the PUBLIC needs to be protected from and that is BIG, LEGAL, CORPORATE, GOVERNMENT’S main job, purpose for being, and reason to grow bigger, needing more power, to make more rules and provide more ENFORCEMENT.

The present ‘problem’ is almost everyone is DEEMED of limited capacity, therefore SUBJECT the GOVERNMENT. The solution? Become PUBLICLY recognized as of full capacity and not SUBJECT GOVERNMENT controls, live the law, be the law, love the law is to reclaim the law.

Simply stated the law is love one another, do no harm nor threat of harm to another or their property. Logically, if everyone followed the law internally, on their own, there would be no need for LEGAL.

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The content of this website is provided for educational purposes, omissions and errors excepted, and is not legal/lawful advice.