Slaves and Children Protest

Slaves and Children Protest

Are you protesting instead of claiming? Protesting and complaining is a weak posture and a submissive one. This video says it so well. Reconsider your position of complaining and being in protest while "fighting" for freedom.

Some people are upset by being referred to as having a child or slave mindset. We have all been programmed, hypnotized, trained to act immaturely, irresponsibly and to not know the law, so that those "in authority" can run and rule our lives. It's time to grow up, be mature, responsible and act accordingly.

Might it really be demonstrating you believe yourself to be a slave asking the masters for better treatment? This video makes many great points very well. You might want to listen closely and check your mental, emotional, action posture regarding your freedom.

So, you are fighting for "freedom"? OK great, so what does that actually look like? Does it look like voting for a different group of criminals to steal from you and coerce you?

For all the political activists and people who engage in various political endeavours in an attempt to convince the people in 'government' to give the people their freedom back. Are the political activists aware of the message that they are actually sending to those whom they are trying to convince. Are the political activists aware of the message they are actually sending to those whom they try to convince? Watch until the end to learn what this message is and why political endeavours will never bring about true freedom.