The LEGAL Illusion Game

The LEGAL Illusion Game

LEGAL is, by definition, a fiction/concept/idea/assumed/presumed/mind construct which has many gray areas of potential meaning for LAWYERS and JUDGES to argue about endlessly, with rarely unanimous agreement, and arguments conclude with a JUDGE’s ‘opinion’, not fact or true, opinions can vary. Many decisions with multiple JUDGES are split decisions, which means that even JUDGES after hearing all the evidence and considering all the LEGAL issues disagree. How certain is the LEGAL process outcome if even multiple JUDGES disagree?

With such a gray area, malleable game, subject to many interpretations, is it any wonder the average wo/man is confused, uninformed and repelled by the LEGAL system? Who in their right mind would want to play that game? It’s so easy to confuse, deceive, fix and destroy people with the LEGAL game. Most LAWYERS are not even very good at it.

There is an old saying, “the only way to win, is not to play the game”. How do you go about not playing the LEGAL game?

You were born into the LEGAL game. Your PARENTS were in it, you were given to the LEGAL game upon your birth REGISTRATION and you’ve voluntarily been playing the LEGAL game in every aspect of your life ever since, whether you knew it or not. Maybe you are interested in fully informing yourself so can make an informed decision as to whether to play the game, or when specifically to play the game, or maybe, go all in and play to win.

Engage your true free will for a change. It might just be the most exciting, frightening, enriching step you have ever taken in your life. If you have been living a lie, because you were deceived have you been making free will decisions?

That’s right, if you do not know the game, you have never really used your free will to live your life, you have been only reacting to the many Hobson’s choices given, GRANTED or demanded by OFFICERS, TITLES and AGENTS OF GOVERNMENT who claim authority over you and every aspect of your life.

Is it true that if another claims authority over you: your body, mind, property and your actions, then who’s life is it really, if you are doing what they require you to comply to?

Seriously. What area of your life does LEGAL not define what you can and can’t do and how much you will pay for the PRIVILEGE of obedience to that outside, alleged authority.

The illusion of self authority has been so successful that you believed you were free, when every area of your life was controlled, defined, monitored and programmed by wo/man using TITLES and LEGAL games to trick you into consenting, because they really have no power except that which you voluntarily give to themThis has worked so well THEY are now acting as if THEY have unlimited power over people.

The gig is up and the power you gave away is becoming obvious because you are finally standing up to the growing abuses of authority, which cannot be tolerated.

To question is to challenge, and to silence is to defend against the truth from reaching too many eyes and ears. Those in PUBLIC authority must silence and attack all wo/man question and do not obey, comply, assent, cooperate.

Your compliance, obedience, cooperation, silence is required to maintain the illusion of LEGAL and you already know that.

Return to the law and reduce or eliminate the use of LEGAL. Drain LEGAL of it’s power by withdrawing from THEIR game.

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The content of this website is provided for educational purposes, omissions and errors excepted, and is not legal/lawful advice.