What is Natural Law?

What is Natural Law?

Natural law is coming to the fore as a subject to study and understand. Different people have a different idea of what natural law is, but identifying the principles, the core concepts will help one to discern the truth and will resonate with the core of your being.

We live in two worlds. The natural world, physical reality, with true law, with rights and the WORLD of LEGAL FICTIONS, made up on paper documents by people cloaked in TITLES granted to them by superior LEGAL FICTIONS, offering only PRIVILEGES and millions of rules with punishments (via TITLES, ACTS, STATUTES, REGULATIONS, ORDINANCES, BY-LAWS, LICENSES, PERMITS, REGISTRATIONS, OFFICES, OFFICERS etc.).

In the WORLD of LEGAL PERSONS what is called law is only it's mirror copy illusion to map out the rules and punishments for all those who consent to OPERATE in the LEGAL WORLD of LEGAL PERSONS. Most people OPERATE there always without knowing. They never leave the FICTION LEGAL WORLD because they do not know another world of law exists.

We are trained by the STATE to OPERATE as a LEGAL TITLE in the LEGAL WORLD of LEGAL FICTIONS without any real understanding of what is going on or that another option exists. The LEGAL WORLD OFFICIALS pounce on those who try to leave the LEGAL WORLD should they discover there is more to live than being a voluntary bond servant/slave to the LEGAL WORLD.

Why are we trained this way? Because the STATE was constructed as a control mechanism the requires consent of the man/woman to ACT as the ruler over the man/woman for the public good (PUBLIC POLICY). All ACTS/REGULATIONS etc are passed with the express intent and justification of correcting some wrong/evil being caused by man/woman wearing a LEGAL FICTION cloak that has or may cause harm to others.

A man/woman who demonstrates full knowledge, full responsibility, full liability requires no GOVERNMENT LEGAL rules because they are self governed in such a way that they will not cause harm to others. They can choose to temporarily act/OPERATE under the cloak of a LEGAL PERSON in the LEGAL WORLD but also not do so at any time. They are free to put on the cloak of a TITLE and live without one moment to moment.

Freedom is a word and concept thrown around but the present level of emotional, mental and spiritual maturity of the population in general makes most people not "worthy" of being free because how most have no idea how to be free with the level of, full knowledge, full responsibility, full liability that freedom it carries.

The general population has been trained to be good servants to the LEGAL WORLD which requires limited knowledge, limited responsibility and limited liability. If you want and expect the GOVERNMENT or EXPERTS to solve your problems, protect you, give you benefits and financial assistance...then you are a good servant of your MASTER the STATE (slave mentality).

The LEGAL WORLD of slavery of today has no chains but the effect is similar. You give 30-50+% of your WAGE to the STATE (INCOME TAX), then pay 7-10-13% of that every time you buy something (SALES TAXES). There are millions of RULES/CODES/STATUES/REGULATIONS few know exist and cannot understand. People live in fear of the STATE and its multitude of OFFICERS and AGENCIES. The list goes on.

Freedom requires full knowledge, full responsibility and full liability. Most people don't want that, and would fail if they tried, because they have not been educated in that mindset or held accountable, ever.

Understanding natural law is the first step to educating yourself in true law of full knowledge, full responsibility and full liability to empower you to choose freedom from the LEGAL WORLD control systems.

Free will and choice require knowledge of all the options followed by a responsible decision. You have never been shown the freedom/responsibility option, so have you exhibited free will or have you only done what you were told?

Start your education here:

Mark Passio - Natural Law Part 1 of 3

Mark Passio - Natural Law 2 of 3

Mark Passio - Natural Law 3 of 3

The Decline of Natural Law: How American Lawyers Once Used Natural Law and Why They Stopped

RtL NOTE: keep in mind this video speaker makes no distinction between law and LEGAL - the fact that COMMERCE in the PUBLIC between LEGAL PERSONS is distinct and separate from private trade between those of mankind (man/woman) while they are not wearing the cloak of a LEGAL PERSON who OPERATE under PERMISSION/LICENSE granted by a LEGAL PERSON STATE (which they can choose to do if they want)

Before the late 19th century, natural law played an important role in the American legal system. Lawyers routinely used it in their arguments and judges often relied upon it in their opinions. Today, by contrast, natural law plays virtually no role in the legal system. Some legal theorists might say that when natural law was part of a lawyer's toolkit, lawyers thought of judges as finders of the law, but when it was dropped out of the legal system, lawyers began thinking of judges as makers of the law. In this lecture, Stuart Banner will discuss his recent book, The Decline of Natural Law: How American Lawyers Once Used Natural Law and Why They Stopped. The first book to explain how natural law once worked in the American legal system offers a look into how and why this major shift in legal thought happened, and focuses, in particular, on the shift from the idea that law is something we find to something we make. Commentary will be provided by Michelle Dempsey, Professor of Law and Harold Reuschlein Scholar Chair at Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law, and Jeffrey Pojanowski, Professor of Law at the University of Notre Dame Law School, followed by a Q&A session.

NOTE from the transcript of the video:

20:23 legal system and eventually lawyers just stopped stop using natural law and then obviously that didn't happen suddenly it was it was a very gradual process that lasted a few decades but by the by the 20 early 20th century the consensus is among lawyers and judges the consensus is that arguments based on natural law uh just have no place in litigation law made by humans [ACTS, STATUTES etc] is all the courts can properly consider

21:02 of the working legal system and I'll give you one good example of the profession's rejection of natural law took place in 1991 during the confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas the first round of confirmation hearings as a lawyer Thomas had written articles and given speeches urging a revival of the use of natural law in litigation that was an unusual position uh for the time especially for someone who was a government official and he during his confirmation hearings he faced a lot of hostile questions from the from the judiciary committee about whether he supported the use of natural law in litigation and Clarence Thomas he walked it back he very prudently uh promised the senators that if he were confirmed as a justice he would he would never use natural law to decide cases and then he's been he's been true to his word

The Most Important Law in This Universe (This Was Kept Secret)